Sunday, April 25, 2010

Potential Style Change?

Yes, I'm seriously considering changing my style. This new style allows me to add more emotion to my stick figures, and not to mention the fact that it looks better.

So seriously. Even if you're not gonna leave a comment, send me an IM on Gchat or something.

Also bonus comic.

ha. get it? regular... like a regular polygon :D


Maiko said...

I love.

Jason Ye said...

-reads second comment-
-tear tear-

Vaio_s said...

I'm assuming you mean second comic? :P

Jason Ye said...

no, obviously have you read the comments?

xSomeone said...

what's wrong with the last square's guys' face LOL (does that make sense?) XDD

haha i like the geometric w/e one :D

Aleksei said...

<3 Bring on the cosmetic surgery.