Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Uh, yeah I don't usually write about movies, I guess I've never done it before, but I think that for some obscure reason Watchmen is worth writing a short paragraph about.

Anyway, Watchmen was fuckin awesome - very dark, excessively violent, and a bit of superhero stuff thrown in. That blue guy, uh, Dr. Manhattan was a bore, the Comedian was an asshole, Rorschach was freakin badass, definitely my favorite character - satirical, screwed over in the head, and of course obscenely violent. And his mask was pretty cool, too. Fight scenes were cool, especially with Rorschach - beating the shit out of a SWAT team or something, and the subsequent jail scenes.

Well anyway, my mind just went blank and it's 2 AM i dont think i'm used to being conscious at this time, unless i'm doing something mindless like watching a boring movie or such and uh i'll finish/clean up this post when i get some sleep and my iq raises a bit (haha just kidding rite -__-)

oh i'll have comics up tmrw if i can remember i finished em at like 10 pm but theyll still suck dont worry so i have to sleep now